I am planning to file a legal separation with my husband but I want to know we can still live in the same apartment as a room ate. we have two kids and we can't move to another place. Please help.Can I live with my husband after legal separation or divorce.?
No legally you can't that is why you have the word separation.I don't understand why you would want to anyway?Is it a money thing?You can't get child support and still live with him.You can't get anything except more married.Good luck.(strange question) Can I live with my husband after legal separation or divorce.?
It depends. If your state has a requirements that you must be legally separated, or just separated in general, before you can divorce then no you cannot live together. Some states clearly say that you cannot be cohabitating, if you do then you will not be able to file for divorce.
If your state does not have this requirements, then I guess you could. Although, I'm wondering why you would want to. Why not just stay married?
First of all, in most states there is not really much difference between a ';legal separation and a divorce. A legal separation is just as much work and costs just as much as a divorce.
Secondly...are you serious with this question? Are you honestly asking CAN you live with him still? Like is it legal? WTF kind of question is that....you can live wherever and whomever you want. You could invite all your ex's to live with you as well and nobody can ever tell you they cant live there. Do you live in communist China?
Maybe you are asking if you SHOULD live with him.
These people above me do not know what they are talking about. Living apart and being SEPARATED are two completely different things. Being legally separated means division of assets, etc, it has nothing to do with where or whit whom you live. God people, quit acting like you know answers that you obviously dont
unless he is abusive, do not file for separation. be nice and hang in there until the kids afre older, do not show them a hostile home we are in a recession.
No you have to live apart for a separation (hence the name) You can file for DIVORCE however and still live with him.
Been there, done that, have the scars to remember it by. I would highly advise against it.
Yes, but why? Move in with your parents.
Yes, but why would you want to? It's not worth the emotional trauma.
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