Are there mothers in the USA that after a divorce will allow a small child to live with her ex husband? The mother is still good friends with her ex husband, were able to come up with a parenting plan with out going to court. The mother still sees her child several times a weak, but can see her any time she wants to.Are there mothers in the USA that after a divorce will allow a small child to live with her ex husband?
Yes, many do. My cousin does this. She just isn't really the mommy type and got pregnant by her boyfriend at 18. They then got married, and divorced a year later.
The father and the father's family are simply far more interested in having the child than she is.
They did have a girl, but she is better off with her father. The mother still wants to be a child herself.Are there mothers in the USA that after a divorce will allow a small child to live with her ex husband?
I wouldn't because I feel like girls need their mother to learn things from and to explain puberty and periods. A man can't do that. And the birds and the bees also needs to come from you too. I would rather raise my daughter and let her see her father when he wants to see her. If you had a son that would probably be a different story, but we're talking about your daughter here. Plus she needs to know about not allowing men to touch her in certain spots, and I don't know if your ex-husband would communicate that to her well, or if it would even look right coming from him to talk about that kind of stuff to her.
Personally I wouldn't allow my (ex) husband to have custody of my daughter if we were to divorce. I am her mother and want her with me but that is just me. I would allow him to see her mostly whenever he wants unless he would make me think otherwise. So if you trust your ex enough to let him have custody of your child then go ahead. Good luck!
Personally, if my hubby and I divorced I would keep our daughter. I'm better equipped to care for her and don't get frustrated with her like he does. I have a lot more patience! To tell you the truth I'm sure he would agree that our daughter would be better off with me! Not that he isn't a good Daddy, he is...I just think *most* Mommy's are better at being the ';main';? parent, if you will.
There are lots of mothers who would do this. This is a personal matter. It's not wrong for a father to raise a child. Many men did this with help when their wives died in child-birth or for some other reason before the children were raised.
Much better question NA! I would have to say NO i would never just relinquish custody because I didn't want my kid. I love my girls.
I dunno.... I'm Aussie.
At least you are consistent.
There are some who have worked out arrangements like that.
well i'm British but depending on the age of my daughter i would ask what SHE wanted to do.
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