Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Should a woman feel she has to have sex with her husband anytime he wants?

I don't think so. But then men want to get all emotional and say that we then use sex as a weapon and are holding out on them to emotionally damage them. Why do men say and think that if his wife doesn't want to have sex that she is then purposefully hurting him? That is a very selfish way to think.Should a woman feel she has to have sex with her husband anytime he wants?
Yes. But many men think it.

I would say that first of all, you need to only MARRY an emotionally mature man.

Beyond that it is my opinion that if you DON'T refuse him very much then he is a better husband.

Instead of thinking of sex with your husband as a chore or a duty think of it as a fun time you get alone with him. If you enjoy sex as much as I do, then this is not difficult.

I tell my friends ';just do it and enjoy it'; not to be old fashioned but also with the reminder that a good husband also does many things that he doesn't necessarily want to do either, at times he doesn't want to.

Make sure you let him know that if he takes you away from the dishes or something that they may not get done until when you can. But I am sure he won't mind.

But if you are with someone really mature and loving, he will understand if you are really sick or really tired or something.

Try not to let anything make you too tired for that special time with your husband. If he is really good, you will want very much to make him and you happy that way.

There was a time when I had surgery after one of my miscarriages and my husband waited and didn't cheat either. I had fun thinking of ways to satisfy him when I could and when I was too ill he would rub my back.Should a woman feel she has to have sex with her husband anytime he wants?
Great question.

I really can understand if a woman doesn't want to have sex because she is tired from work, didnt' sleep, feels medically ill. A woman of course doesn't have to have sex ALL the time on her husband's beckoned call.

But if this is persistent, and the women NEVER has sex with her husband, I believe that is a large problem. In fact, that is probably grounds for the man to leave her for somebody else, because in a case like that, she is obviously trying to control her man and alter his behavior, maybe like making him buy her things in exchange for sex (which she controls, as the man usually never refuses).

Sex is not only beneficial for the man, but also beneficial for the woman too, so I don't understand why some women view sex as a favor for her husband.
I've never understood the ';withholding sex as a punishment'; thing - either you want sex, or you don't. And if you deny it to hurt someone, you would be punishing yourself. Pretty pointless, I would say. If a woman is angry at her husband for some reaso and she doesn't want sex, isn't that understandable?

You can't buy love through sex - and having sex whenever your husband wants, despite your own inclinations, means your marriage is based on sex. Which is a pretty shaky foundation, I think. Marriges need love and trust, affection and communication to survive.

And a bit of sex to leaven it all up.
I think a woman should be able to be upfront about when she does and doesn't want to have sex. But I also think that within a relationship, especially a marriage, you are responsible for meeting your partner's needs, including sexual needs. I think if two people are in a relationship they just need to be able to compromise with some things, because neither party can have everything they want.
No, a woman should never feel she has to have sex anytime her husband wants.

But if she does, and doesn't let on that she may not really want to have sex here and now, she keeps her husband happy. And the rewards to the wife are great. Not materialistic rewards, but in keeping her husband happy, it keeps them secure and closer. Isn't that what a marriage should be?

Sex is really really important to a guy. Keep him happy and he'll keep you happy.
Well it is not fair for a woman to marry a man, and then turn him away day after day, because of some feminist inspired issues. The Bible says in marriage the man's body is her body, and her body is his body. They become one flesh. Paul said it is good to marry, to prevent fornication. Paul or Peter said that.

The Bible also says that a man should nourish his wife, just as he nourishes and loves every member of his own body. And to be willing to die for her, so that she might live.
Yes and No. Marriage is about meeting each other's needs. Men (generally) have a much stronger sexual need than woman do. Imagen if your husband suddenly stopped talking to you. You would probably be pissed off because most woman like to talk and vent about things. If you didn't want to have sex with him, he would probably feel rejected by you.

On the other hand, men need to be understanding that woman don't always want to have sex and it's not about rejection. It's just not one of our stronger needs.

All in all, a sexless marriage is not normal!! I don't care what anybody says! If my husband stops having sex with me, I'm going to think something is very wrong!
A husband and a wife are united to one another, and live as one flesh. It is right for each of them to give into the other's sexual desires, because they are united in matrimony.

The only times this submissive (for both parties) attitude should be ignored is if there are health problems that sex would complicate, or if sex is replacing all the other wonderful parts of marriage.
I don't think we should have sex when ever ';HE'; wants to! I just got out of my 14 year relationship with my boyfriend/ex-husband. That was a hell of a ride. He always wanted sex when it worked into his schedule. When I would want to have sex with him he always played the ';IM TIRED'; card. So I felt like he wasnt into me anymore. So I lived without it for a long time. Now I have a great boyfriend that gives back and I do the same for him. He makes it about both of us not just him and how or what he wants out of it.
no she shouldn't and neither should a man, men usually have higher sex drives then us so this usually isn't an issue, it has to be a mutual thing if a man jumps to the conclusion your withholding as a punishment when you're not then there is not a mutual understanding there are other issues there why you don't want to have sex and he doesn't understand through lack of communication, and in long term relationships where sex becomes a routine its likely you wont talk about it alot,

if there's issues hampering your sex life sort them out, but never have sex with him if you don't want to,its emotional damage to you if you lie there resenting the fact you have to have sex or feeling uncomfortable this will only add to the existing issue
Mr. Flawless has never had a problem with women withholding sex from him. You see, when you are sexually irresistible as Mr. Perfect is, the women come to you in droves wanting to have sex. The situation has gotten so bad that I The Flawless One is the one that has to turn them down and they are so emotionally distraught they are eating their Ben %26amp; Jerry's praline ice cream wearing their fat sweatpants and watching Fried Green Tomatoes crying themselves to sleep at night soaking up the pillow with all their tears.
WEll, I think it is better if you satisfy your partner's sexual needs as far as possible. it isn't very kind to say 'no' to sex if you have no particularl reason for saying 'no'. If you're ill or in pain or exceptionally tired, then that's different. But if you are just not in the mood, I thinkk it is kinder to comply. I occasionally don't feel like it particularly, but I usually find that I get in the mood once we get warmed up anyway.
Not anytime he wants it.. its perfectly ok to not be in the mood. Marriage is sometimes a compromise on things though, and sometimes I have had sex with my husband when I was not completely in the mood. That does not happen much though :)

I'm not into the whole withholding sex thing, I think that is ridiculous
No. There is nothing in the marriage vows that say, I promise to love him in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy and to give him sex whenever he wants...I do.

As far as I'm concerned a wife has no DUTIES towards her husband or husbands towards their wives.

On the other hand, if you demand exclusivity, you might want to find a way to service his needs.

Intercourse is not the only way to service a man or woman's needs.

The same demand can be made on his to service you when needed even when he is tired since you can use tools and toys
To the best of her ability, yes. I think it's good to try to accomodate the husband as much as posssible in his needs. Keep him happy ... Of course, not at causing pain to herself, but as much as is reasonable. ...
No. Both partners should want to have sex when they both feel like it. I would never withhold sex as punishment, and anyone who does is too passive-aggressive for the good of their relationship.
Because we can't imagine anyone not wanting to have sex. To us, that's IMPOSSIBLE. As far as we (men) know, the reasons for not wanting to have sex is to hold out as a payback, or loss of interest in us.
Have him read this page, and talk to him about it. It's your body. Do what You want.
Because women DO use sex as a weapon.

A sexless relationship is not psychologically healthy. A relationship where it's ';I'll have sex with you but only if you do _____'; is even MORE unhealthy.
I don't think that women are obligated to do so. For me if I don't feel right with him (like if I feel distant from him), I can't be physical with him. On the other hand better me than somebody else.
Try it the other way around. I can't get sex from my husband whenever I want and it does get frustrating. I will get a little mad at him for turning me down.
Not ';any time '; but if the ';Not tonight ,I've got a headache'; start to out number the '; Come to Mama'; you've got problems.
After you've fetched him his cold beer, yes.
Joe has the right answer. ';Because we can't imagine anyone not wanting to have sex. To us, that's IMPOSSIBLE';

The controlling influence in female sexuality is in the brain. Mood can radically affect a woman's sexual interest or responsiveness. For many women they need to feel good in order to feel in the mood.

This difference in the sexes leads to men believing that when a woman says no, this is not because she does not want sex at this time but has denied it as some sort of punishment.

Attitudes and laws have only changed in recent history to accept that rape within marriage was possible, before this it was accepted that a wife's duty was to supply sex on demand. It takes longer to change attitudes than laws and there are still men who consider sex on demand as their right.

Should a woman feel she has to have sex on demand? No and if she lives with a decent man he will accept that her wishes and feelings are as important as his own. With regards to the withholding of sex causing emotional damage this should be treated with the same contempt as any emotional blackmail.

Societies attitudes towards women has changed dramatically over the last 50 years and it is natural that many parents who were bought up with the attitudes and beliefs of their parents (your grandparents) that these ideas are old fashioned in today's world.

A woman today has the right to choose whether she wants to have sex and has the law to support her in this even if she is married. Many rape statutes used to preclude spousal prosecution, including estranged or even legally separated couples. This only changed completely in the US in 1993 and in Britain in 1991 so it is hardly surprising that many men and women still believe as your mother does.

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