I have fought depression for years. Now my husband just died Saturday April 19th. He was the love of my life.
I don't have any friends, because we recently moved here. Neither one of us has famility left. I don't have a soul in the world to turn to for help.. I am only 38, and when I get into depression it is debilitating, I can't get out of bed.
What should I do? I have no insurance, I can't afford counseling. How do I keep from sinking back into depression? How do I go on?Suffer from depression and husband just died?
God, if I was there I would give you a big hug. It is really hard I know but you need to keep going. And by that I mean go out and find something to drive you on. Find someone who will listen to you.
The church offers a good place to get someone to hear. I am not religious now but was brought up a Catholic. I realise that God and you probably aren't seeing eye to eye at the moment, and fair enough too, but It is really important that someone knows what you are going through. If a person won't listen, go find another, and another, and another until you find someone who will.
Ring your friends from where you were. Tell them how you are feeling. Ask for help.
Your husband was the light of your life and a part of him will be with you always, but he would want you to carry on and make a new life for yourself. Find that new life.
Go see the priest! They're free, and will listen and give you good solid advice. I'm not saying convert, but they are a good first step.
I really hope things work out for you. You will be in my thoughts.
JamesSuffer from depression and husband just died?
First of all I am sorry for your loss, but that's not the end - there's a whole world out there and your husband will always be with you. The pain of such a loss will ease with time, but you will never forget. Remember the good times, things that made you happy and concentrate on those warm happy feelings to get you over the bad times.
If things get really bad go to your doctor, he will be able to help you with the depression. Tablets may not be the whole answer, but its a start.
You cannot allow yourself to sink into this hole of depression.
It is so hard when you have lost some one, I lost the love of my life as well...
but the world will not come to you.
You have to go out and seek happiness.
I made many friends at my job... if you work than you can do the same. don't be shy to approach people and start a friendship. You never know who will end up being a great friend.
Also, do not stay at home.
Go out for walks, or the library or mall. Anywhere that can get your mind off of things.
Sometimes it doesnt even hurt to make friends online.
You can just talk to people and build friendships that way...
I really hope that you find happiness.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well... If you need somebody to talk to feel free to message me, I'm a good listener and friendly =]
I also agree with Henry, church is a great place to find happiness and make friends.
I truly sympathise and I'm sorry you lost the love of your life. I know the system is different in the US to the UK but can you go to your doctors and receive help. Perhaps consider taking anti-depressants for a short while whilst you come to terms with your grief. Could you find a bereavement agency someone who you can talk to without spending any money. I totally understand about affording counselling I am in the same situation myself but finally after 7 years I have found an agency who have provided free help to me, once a week.
Let me know how you get on. Will be thinking of you and pray you find some relief and help hopefully a friend who you could meet to talk too.
Just found this website for e-mail counselling. Check out others online to suit you and see if you can correspond online.
you will never get over your lost but trust me you will learn to live with it.
for all the bad things in life there will be also wonderful things
each month that goes bye you will spot these wonderful things. just open your eyes. and remember you have a special person looking out for you
OMG you poor thing there is free counselling available see you doctor for a referal. Try joing some clubs that you might be intersted in like craft or tennis so that you can get out and make friends.
All the best
The best thing to do is to keep contact with the outside world. Join a local church, club or find a job. The more alone you make yourself, the more depressed you'll feel.
omg hun i'm so sorry. i don't know what to say. just hang in there as best you can.
may your husband rest in peace.
Go here: http://www.emofree.com
Download their free ebook on emotional freedom technique, and apply what it says. Things can only get better for you now.
Firstly don't ask how can you go on. God its been one day since the love of your life died and at least you are on the internet talking to someone even though we are all strangers. I can honestly say I don't know what your going through as I've lost my cousin and my brother in law but never a partner so you must be in such pain and you need a huge hug right now and a shoulder to just cry on. No talking just crying to let it all out. Will there be others at the funeral ? Friends from where you use to live ? Ring life line as they really are caring and they'll put you through to someone who's been in ur situation. Plus its a real live voice u will be talking to. I've been through depression a lot in my life %26amp; once even tried suicide but I'm glad it didn't work as I now realise I would've been hurting the ones I love.I got my Karma tho and had a stroke and a frontal lobe embolism (blood clot on brain) and was in coma for weeks. I found out who my true friends were %26amp; though they weren't as many as I'd have liked they were true honest friends %26amp; of course my family. I also went thru spinal surgery nearly 8yrs ago leaving me a paraplegic. I was told I'd never walk again but our brain is truly a magnificent thing as I was not going to let some doctor tell me I'd never walk again and 5yrs later I was walking, with a slight limp but still I did it. You too can pull ur self out from under this but its hard 4 u to even think at the moment I suppose. Let yourself grieve then worry about finding friends in the area. Doesn't your government give you something for funerals ? Here in Aust. if u are broke then centrelink which is our governments job seeker est. they give the family or widow up to $3000. or if not go to the closest local church and talk to the minister,priest or whomever %26amp; tell him/her everything %26amp; they might take up a collection for you and churches are a good place to meet nice decent friends who really WILL help %26amp; not expect anything in return. My heart goes out to you in this time of need and loneliness. I'm sending u a big hug and hope that it will cheer u a little bit. If you want to chat to me u can anytime but remember we are in different time zones, or e-mail me at heavenlee2008@yahoo.com. XXX
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