Friday, August 20, 2010

How can I try not to hate my mom and her husband so much?

I really hate my parents a lot. They get mad at the tiniest thing and I really despise my mother's husband. He thinks that he can run me and he acts like he's all superior. Don't even tell me that they are trying to keep me safe or whatever because I know that they're not.How can I try not to hate my mom and her husband so much?
Hate is a strong word. Do you hate them just because they get mad at the tiniest thing sadn he thinks he is superior? Or is there some deeper issues going on. If there is then you need to go to the school counsler and tell soemone. If not then unfortunatley you have to be there until youa re 18. Either way. At soem point in your lie you will have to move on and with out hate. if you continue to hate you will be an angry person. I used to hate my mother and believe me.... it was very ahrd to not be angry. I feel alot better now that I do not hate her. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders.

God BlessHow can I try not to hate my mom and her husband so much?
I won't tell you what you don't want to hear, but it's obvious that there are issues here that only you and your parents can face. Maybe both sides need to work on some things and you could be the one to initiate this. All parents want honesty. I have 2 boys. We argue and disagree but anger, not dealt with, is dangerous. I sense a lot of resentment in your words and finding someone, a safe and responsible someone, to talk to is crucial right now. Also know that we all go through ages and stages, and what really bothers us know really becomes less of an issue later because we grow up and learn each other and learn not to take things so literally or personally. Hope things work out.
I can't say that you will stop hating your parents any time soon. I wish the answer was as simple as just talking it out because sometimes the people we love the most are the hardest to understand. The best advice I can give is this:

The only person you can control is yourself. You cannot change the way your parents talk or act. You can only change the way you act. If you are responsible and follow the household rules, it will be easier to talk to your folks. You have a lot of pressures: school, friends, a million other changes...but so do your parents. They have to work to earn enough money to keep you taken care of. They have to make sure you go where you need and eat... you get the picture. Sometimes we forget the importance of just loving each other, being kind and thoughtful.

Why don't you take the first step at repairing this relationship? Maybe after dinner, get up and help with the dishes?

I remember how angry I would get at my parents. They did not understand me. Sometimes they said and did things that were mean. When I look back as an adult, all I see is that though they were far from perfect, they always tried hard to be good parents. They did their best. J
All your life, you're going to be around people you don't like, or who don't like you, so learn how to deal with it now. First, understand that because they support you (I assume), they have certain rights over you. Someone who gives you money can tell you how to spend it. The more self-sufficient you become, the less control they have over you. Become as self-sufficient as possible, and work toward being independent. Second, detach from them emotionally. Arguing or fighting isn't detaching. Living your own life and letting them live theirs is detaching.
You are in a tough situation. Talk to any other adult you trust to help you with this. In the end, you will be a stronger person for it.
leave when you turn 18 or emancipate yourself.

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